This is our village

Parent Engagement

Involved, Engaged, & Connected

Woodward isn’t just for the students, it’s for the entire family. At the heart of Woodward’s effort to invest in WLA families is the Parent Involvement team, which includes a parent liaison. The liaison is key to getting parents involved
on campus and connecting them to community resources.

“Our parent liaison is passionate about helping our families and works diligently to increase family engagement,” says Ms. Johnson, Operation Administration. “Teaching parent classes and providing community resources are just a couple of the ways our parent liaisons support our families.”

Jennifer Jefferson has been a part of the WLA family for the past 8 years, her job is about creating a tight knit
community of teachers, students and parents. She began her role as liaison at Woodward Leadership Academy last year. Despite her initial nerves about her new responsibility to lead parent classes, Jefferson was able to overcome her own shyness and create a true community amongst the parents.

“I really didn’t like to speak in public, or much at all,” says Jefferson. “I didn’t realize as a parent liaison I would have to give classes! But little by little I got used to it. Once the parents started coming they turned into my friends, and I felt more comfortable.”

"Woodward isn't just for the student, but the entire family..."

“At the beginning we hardly had any parent [involvement] because they didn’t know about the opportunities, or thought they weren’t needed at the elementary school level,” says Jefferson. “I started putting myself out there, meeting people at orientation and inviting them to classes.” Not only does Jefferson work diligently to get parents involved as campus volunteers and chaperones, she also works with individual families to meet their unique needs. Jefferson learned how she can best serve the parents at Woodward, whether that is providing educational classes, mental wellness resources, food or clothing.